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Alpha Startups™ Online
Alpha Startup - Introduction
About Alpha Startups™ Online
Alpha Startups™ Online: Workbook
The Startup Trinity
5 Ways to Build a $100M Business (10:05)
Type of Business Model (6:40)
People, Idea and Money (9:36)
Time and Opportunity (8:03)
Overview: Lean Canvas
Product Market Fit (6:11)
Lean Canvas (7:33)
Customer Segments (11:17)
Problem Statements (3:26)
Solution to the Problem (2:10)
Unique Value Proposition (3:32)
Overview & Example (5:32)
Customer Validation
Our Customer (6:23)
Building Assumption
Stating Assumptions (7:33)
Determining Barriers (4:28)
Market Validation
Market Validation Method (12:42)
Create Your Validation Question (9:42)
Validation Question: Example (4:20)
Alpha Startups™ Online - Office Hours
Office Hours
Identify Business Moats
Identify Your Business Moat (1:52)
Type of Competitive Advantage (10:17)
Case Study: Identify Their Business Moats (7:57)
Conduct a Competitor Analysis
Market Sizing
Introduction (9:48)
Determine Target Audience
Determine Size of Target Audience
Estimate Revenue
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Introduction: Idea (18:29)
Example of MVP (14:16)
Customer Journey Map
Marketing 101
Marketing Channels
Self Learning: Design Sprint
Building an Application
Customer User Journey
Introduction (4:08)
Guide To Create Customer Journey Map (14:19)
Building a Landing Page
What is Landing Page (4:15)
Guide To Build A Landing Page (8:06)
Design Consideration 1.0 (9:52)
Design Consideration 2.0 (8:48)
Self Learning: UIUX - Making Great Products (45:05)
Self Learning: Building A Prototype with Figma (2:23)
Anatomy of Pitch Deck
Definition of Pitch (5:57)
Putting it Together: A Good Pitch (4:23)
Pitch Deck Part 1 (7:15)
Pitch Deck Part 2 (9:43)
Pitch Deck Part 3 (13:37)
The Gold Standard: Airbnb (16:02)
Presentation Skill for Virtual Pitching
Structure of a Good Pitch (21:20)
Example: The 3 Minutes Pitch (8:38)
Deck Building (5:02)
Handling Questions and Answer (7:19)
Virtual Pitching Elements (10:01)
Strategic Fundraising
Introduction to Fundraising (4:32)
Understanding Fundraising Needs and Options (4:26)
Fundraising Ecosystem (4:32)
Equity Financing: Venture Capital (9:21)
Introduction to SAFE (5:32)
How Much FUnding Do You Need For Your Startup (7:11)
Introduction to Startup's Valuation (1:27)
Factor Affecting Fundraising (4:22)
Factors Affecting Startup's Valuation (6:54)
End Of Programme
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Definition of Pitch
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